Sunday, February 12, 2012

Who am I?

I want to start off my blog by letting you get to know who the author is...

I was born July eighth in Bridgeport, Connecticut. I lived in Connecticut until I was five, within those five years I moved around between Connecticut and New York, I remember some of this but the majority of my memories  are from when I lived in Port Washington.
I moved to Long Island when I was five. I lived there with my mother, my father, and my older sister. My sister and I are two years apart.  So living and growing up together was a ton of fun and simple but it also was hard. I always wanted to be with her and to hang out with her and her friends. I was the typical little sister that wouldn't leave her alone. My sister for the most part allowed me to be that. Yes, sometimes she hated it but growing up in Port Washington, was like a movie. We lived in an amazing house, where we grew our own trees and had a white fence that surrounded our lawn. We had two dogs at that point. A girl, Sabrina and a boy, Dunce. I know, why name a dog Dunce? Well there is a story behind that. He was a small white little Pekineses and when we first got him he was the sweetest little thing ever and once we brought him home he thought he was the man of the house. His attitude changed completely. He was the boss not my father... Now, I believe it was the second day we had him and we were all outside, my sister and I were playing with the other kids on the block and my dad was just watching us and next thing we know, we hear Dunce barking so we look at him to see what is wrong. And what do we see? His head is stuck in between two fence posts. When my dad attempted to take his head out and free him, he got mad and tried to bite him, but my dad still was nice and was able to get him free and not even five minutes later... his head was stuck right back where it was. That is when we all decided that Dunce was the perfect name for him.
Now, back to the original story...
When I was twelve we moved to Las Vegas. Now moving there was such a huge change it was crazy. That is where I have been living for the past eight years. I without a doubt like Vegas, yes it was a change but it also was a good one. There was a climate change and just about everything else was as well.  Funny thing is while my parents were packing and driving cross country, my sister and I were on an amazing Disney Cruise. It was a lot of fun, but I didn't get to enjoy everything since I wasn't a teen. Being twelve and on a cruise was fun but It was like you are stuck between wanting to enjoy the teen things and having no choice but to be with the younger kids. It was weird but I can't say I didn't have fun. I had a ton of it. There were slides, pools, movies, activities and let me tell you visiting the Islands they took us to was an experience in itself. I remember watching a movie with my grandmother one night... We watched Hidalgo, It had just come out and that was the first time that we actually bonded and spent time just her and I. It was fun simply because we never really spent anytime together. Even though she gave us a amazing gift of taking us on a  cruise, she was a very distant grandmother(emotionally) and we never had a good relationship with her. So having this one time to bond was great. So because of that, I think I will remember that for a lifetime. I know for most people they wouldn't remember that type of thing but I know I will. :)
Once We finally moved there completely it was great, We moved into a single story home with a pool in the backyard, which for a kid is awesome! We lived there for a year and half and then moved to another home but at the other side of the city and lived there for another year or so. We tended to move every year or so for some reason, It really didn't bother me, simply because I like change and doing and seeing things differently. About two years ago my father moved back to New York because job cutbacks in Vegas. So it was only me and my sister, my mother went back with my father, The both of us moved into a apartment complex and It was hard and a big change. Going from living with your parents to having to be responsible and do everything on our own.
It was a good change for me at least. I learned a lot about being responsible even though I was only nineteen, I was working as a massage therapist with a chair massage company. I would work by the pools and offer massage to people in the pools and/ or the cabanas. It was awesome! I loved working with people from around the world and getting to know different things about different places.
I came to New York last year for Christmas and I stayed for about three weeks and I fell in LOVE with it so I went back to Vegas for about two and half week and I decided to move to Brooklyn. It was something that was so out of the blue and it happened so fast, it was crazy but I am so happy that I made this move. I am currently  working in a plumbing company and I am going to school for plumbing. I figure if I am going to work in a company that deals with plumbing I might as well know what I am talking about, even though I work in the office. I see it as you can never learn too much. Like people say Knowledge is Power. So I want to learn as much as possible.

I know this is a really long post, and I can't promise this won't ever happen again but isn't this what blogging is all about. Letting everything out, saying how you feel? I plan on writing some more and letting you in on my new adventures in New York City!! II can't wait to see what will happen in my life, even if it's good or bad. Everything happens for a reason. :]

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